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Walking With A Ghost


This is a song that Sara Quin wrote and that appeared on the album So Jealous. Sara sings the lead vocals and the background vocals.

The music video was directed by Troy Nixey and was filmed in Vancouver in July 2004. Sara wrote the treatment for the video. It was produced by Greg Milton.

The original demo of this song was released on their website. The download from their website was archived here on the Wayback Machine.



No matter which way you go

No matter which way you stay

You’re out of my mind, out of my mind

Out of my mind, out of my mind

I was walking with a ghost

I said please, please don't insist

I was walking with a ghost

I said please, please don't insist 

No matter which way you go

No matter which way you stay

You’re out of my mind, out of my mind

Out of my mind, out of my mind

I was walking with a ghost

I said please, please don't insist

I was walking with a ghost

I said please, please don't insist 

No matter which way you go

No matter which way you stay

You’re out of my mind, out of my mind

Out of my mind, out of my mind

I was walking with a ghost

I was walking with a ghost

{I said please} Out of my mind, out of my mind

{I said please} Out of my mind, out of my mind

You’re out of my mind, out of my mind

Out of my mind, out of my mind

Out of my mind, out of my mind

Out of my mind, out of my mind

I was walking with a ghost

I was walking with a ghost

I was walking with a ghost

I was walking with a ghost

I was walking with a ghost

I was walking with a ghost


Trivia and Quotes:

“I know the first time I heard that we had flown into London and Sara pulled her laptop out and played it for me. It was the first song she'd deliberately written for the record and it sounded so different to me and I thought all the contributions on the record, like Matt Sharp's keyboard parts, Rob's drum part, really threw me for a loop. I thought it was really creative and I really enjoy playing that song. I think it's a cool song. That's when I sorta got the sense that Sara was gonna write a really different record than what she'd written before.” - Tegan in 2005

“One of the songs I long, long, long ago wished I could stop playing because I didn’t like it anymore was “Walking With a Ghost.” But it’s one of those songs that I know people like, so I’ve tried to have an emotional change of heart about it. I recently reworked it and it’s allowing me to think a little bit more about what exactly makes it such a classic Tegan and Sara song, and one that a lot of people I really respect, musically, also enjoy. I will say, I don’t think it’s easy to write a simple song; sometimes songs that seem simple are actually deceptively hard. With “Walking With a Ghost,” the rhythm of the guitar part and the vocal part are against each other, so I’ve never felt very relaxed when I play it. There’s a lot of mental focus to play it properly. There’s also never really any release or climax, because the two parts of the song are both sort of choruses. It’s just kind of a big moment from start to the end, which I can appreciate makes it an interesting and complex song. One thing I like about it, too, is that I recently heard it in a Barney’s shoe department, and everybody was just kind of going about their day. It was sandwiched in between two mainstream current pop songs, and I just thought, This song is standing up. It’s doing okay, like no one was covering their ears and being like, What just happened? [Laughs.]” - Sara in 2016

“When "Walking with a Ghost" started getting played on alternative radio in the US, we saw our band change before our eyes. All of a sudden, we had sold-out shows, we were selling thousands of albums a week, our Myspace exploded. We got offered a huge US tour opening for the Killers, Rolling Stone listed So Jealous as one of their Top 50 albums of the year and the White Stripes covered "Walking with a Ghost." Overnight we were legit. After nearly seven years of touring, we had finally "made it" — at least in some people's eyes. Including ours. Sara used to threaten to go back to university regularly. But I think the success of that song and album convinced her we were on the right path. The song itself was the first Sara wrote after moving to Montreal from Vancouver in 2002. I was sure it was the end of Tegan and Sara. But it wasn't! It inspired our next era of T&S, in fact. We were touring in support of our album If It Was You and were fighting constantly, but then Sara recorded the demo and brought it out on tour on a CD to Europe and played it for me in a hotel room. I was struck by how different it was from what we'd done previously, but also by how original it sounded. I knew then we had found our "next sound."” -  Tegan in 2022

Live Performances:

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